Changing your subscription selections is easy.
You can change your selections in your Manage Subscriptions area (login required). There you can cancel or change your subscription at any time, with no obligation.
If you would like to add additional items to your subscription, select the "Edit products" option, then type the name of the item you would like to add when the "Add product' option is displayed.
Step 1: Click edit products
Step 2: Type the name of the item you would like to add.
Step 3 (optional) If you would like to add more quantity of a particular item, repeat the process above, adding the desired product as many times as you would like.
To remove items, first click "Edit Products," then click the "reduce quantity by 1" button located under the product in your subscription.
In the case that you want to add a one-time addition to your subscription, like a mug or a seasonal coffee, please contact us